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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  January 20, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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>> dave says his first command would be, bring me coffee. >> tara, i would make bill hemmer a duke and allison a duchess. thank you. marty says, everyone gives me the same pampered life as bill hemmer. >> you wish. >> living large. thanks so much for watching. >> here's gretchen. see you tomorrow. hi, everyone. breaking news today on the real story. new terror threat against the winter olympics as thousands of americans and athletes prepare to head to russia. and breaking news for you on the target data breach. arrests made just a short time ago on the mexican border that could be related to the threat of your personal data. and championship sundays, winners and losers. also included, nebraska's biggest city and pants with pleats. we'll explain why. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story."
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despite a new threat from islamic militants and two bombings in the southern city of volgograd that happened last month. putin is saying he's deploying 40,000 police and special services, service officers, that is, to keep athletes and the tourists safe. this as an intense man hunt is reportedly underway for the widow of an insurgent believed to be in sochi as part of a plot to target the games. but despite all of this, the u.s. is planning to send relatively few security experts to russia. jonathan hunt joins me now live in studio. how serious is this threat? >> u.s. officials are taking it very seriously. one of the concerns here is there will be thousands of americans in sochi for the olympics. there will be a security team with the olympians. for u.s. citizens, they have to really rely on the russian authorities. and this threat has been made more real by the posting online of a video over the weekend. two russian-speaking men promising a present or a
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surprise for the russian people and for any tourists. i spoke to m.i.t. international security expert jim walsh about this earlier. he said president putin's credibility is very much on the line. listen. >> my guess is they're going to air on this, as russians do, on the side of security. they're going to clamp down and do everything in their power to try to stop this because it would be a terrific embarrassment and make putin look weak. but the leverage here is with the attackers. you know, they can choose the place and the time of their terrorist attack, and the russians won't know that. >> so officiallis both in russi and the united states very concerned. >> so what can the united states do? officials, security agencies in the event of an attack. >> well, there's a limit to what they can do. there are contingency plans being put in place. as i said, there will also be a security team with the american olympians. but the russians do not want much help.
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they have not sought a great deal of cooperation. and in the event of any major attack and any major hostage situation involving american citizens, they would, if history is any guide, be very reluctant to allow any american military personnel on their territory. so it is very limited what we can really do. >> and so far, russian authorities are already concerned about this widow, the insurgent i spoke about before i introduced you. who is it? >> this is one of these so-called black widows. her husband was a terrorist. he was killed by the russian authorities. now they believe that this woman is already in sochi. the russian security agency has been handing out fliers to hotels in the area, telling them to be on the lookout for this woman. and it may not just be her. there may be another three of these so-called black widows already inside that security ring. so that obviously, gretchen, a real concern for the authorities. >> yeah, and just three weeks
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away. very scary. jonathan, thanks so much. new jersey governor chris christie's administration on the defensive once again today with the mayor now of hoboken, new jersey, accusing christie of threating to withhold superstorm sandy aid unless she okayed a development project he liked. mayor dawn zimmer is accusing the state's lieutenant governor of delivering the message for christie. the lieutenant governor strongly denied that claim earlier today. >> the suggestion that anyone would hold back sandy relief funds for any reason is wholly and completely false. and also, being a sandy victim myself makes the mayor's allegations particularly offensive to me. >> well, guy benson the political editor of and a fox news contributor. great to see you on a monday. somebody's lying, right? >> somebody's lying. i think that's pretty safe bet to make at this point. and obviously, let's begin with
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the allegations from the mayor. these are very serious. if they are true, if the christie administration was playing cynical politics with sandy relief funds, that's a grade-a scandal that i think will devastate his governorship and future ambitions. but if you look at some of the evidence that's beginning to mount in contradiction to her allegations and accusations, i think there are reasons to be skeptical, at least for now, until there is some independent verification of what she's claiming. because right now, gretchen, the only evidence that we've seen are her recollection and supposed diary entries that she said she herself wrote back in may. so the timeline is important here, gretchen. in may, this is when the alleged shakedown took place, where the lieutenant governor and another high-ranking official supposedly told this mayor, you got to scratch our back and then we'll let the funds start to flow. >> right. >> what's odd about it is that's just rank corruption she's alleging.
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she didn't tell anyone. she didn't report it to authorities. in fact, she didn't even go public before christie's re-election. >> now she is, you know. there's been a lot of accusations since bridgegate, are democrats now bringing up things that are either stat us can quo or are situations like this. we have to see which person's telling the truth. in the meantime, there is a new jersey reporter who also tweeted on saturday, right, that this particular mayor has pedaled a similar accusation. what do we know about that? >> right. there is an interview she gave about ten days ago now where she had a similar story but with slightly different details. then she was suggesting that this quid pro quo was about an endorsement flap rather than this development deal. so her story has changed. the other thing that's important to point out is for some reason, she said she was a victim of this extortion scheme from the governor in may. in august, just a few weeks later, a few months later and prior to his re-election, she said she was very glad chris christie was the governor and praised him for the, quote,
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great job he had done on behalf of her city. that's a little curious coming from an alleged victim of an extortion scheme. >> all right. now obamacare and more new questions about the viability of the law. check out this new survey that shows just 11% of consumers thus far who have brought new coverage under the law were those who were previously uninsured. those who the law, guy, was supposed to be written for. so now if you're in this administration and you wanted these 30-plus million people who were uninsured to suddenly be insured, the whole purpose of the law, and only 11% of them actually have gone to do so, what happens? >> this is a brutal study. with that 11% number, just 11% of the people who have supposedly signed up -- the administration says 2.2 million people have enrolled. just a fraction of them were previously uninsured. as you said, that was the whole point of this law. another finding in that study is that a majority of the uninsured
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people who declined to purchase coverage through obamacare did so because it was too expensive. >> right. >> for them to sign up. so i mean, if you're an average american out there and your tax dollars are going to this trillion-plus dollar program, you have to be wondering with higher costs and dropped coverage and we're barely taking a bite out of the uninsured problem, what did we pass this law to do? >> yeah, and a lot of people maybe deciding they're going to pay the fine because in many cases it's cheaper. always great to see you. >> thank you, gretchen. and now a fox news alert. police on the texas border arresting a man and a woman on fraud charges that could be tied to the massive december credit card breach. the suspects reportedly tried to enter the u.s. from mexico with a stash of fraudulent credit cards on them. that data breach, of course, hit tens of millions of americans. we're going to have a full report coming up later on in our show. meantime, an american missionary held more than a year in a north korea prison finally
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being heard from for the first time now. kenneth bae, serving 15 years hard labor and pleading for his release in this new video. his family repeatedly calling for his release, amid reports of his failing health. william, why are we hearing from him now? imagine if you're family of bae, and now you're finally hearing from him. >> well, gretchen, north korea wants something. while it claims that bae is not a political bargaining chip, analysts say that is exactly how he's being treated. like bait on a fishing pole. north korea paraded bae before cameras earlier today. the christian missionary pleaded with washington to help win his release. analysts say it is north korea's way of reaching out to the u.s., hoping to score some foreign aid. born in south korea before moving to the u.s. at age 18, bae lived in china the last seven years, running christian tours to north korea. bae's news conference is seen as an invitation to washington.
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>> translator: as far as i know, i've now been here for the longest among american citizens who came here and got detained. i believe that my problem can be solved by close cooperation and agreement between the american government and the government of this country. >> well, it's not like the u.s. hasn't tried. in august, north korea rejected a u.s. envoy after we conducted military drills with south korea. washington says north korea must give up its nuclear arms before we negotiate. >> yeah, and of course we remember being in the news business that there was that veteran who was being held in north korea in the past. other americans have been held. so what do you think is different here? what's going to happen? >> officially, north korea says it guarantees religiouseedom. in reality, harsh penalties are given to anyone who contacts christian missionaries like bae, who did try to set up a secret operation and the north koreans discovered. incriminating evidence on his computer during a tour in 2012.
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north korea has detained at least seven americans since 2009. weeks ago it did release 85-year-old merrill newman, a korean war vet, who was held for weeks for alleged crimes committed during the 1950s. before him, former president clinton won the release of journalist lisaling after she and a colleague inadvertently crossed into north korea. bae has diabetes and high blood pressure. he was hospitalized in august. his family in the u.s. want him released on humanitarian grounds. at least at this point, they're willing to play ball. >> all right. william, thanks for that report. vicious street battles breaking out between protesters and police. ahead, why things have gone from bad to worse in a capital city. >> plus, new documents shedding light on the collaboration between the nsa and the fbi. but has it actually prevented any terror attacks? and president obama says pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. so we want to know what you think. do you think weed smoking should be legal? you can go to my facebook page,
11:12 am vote in my poll, and we'll read the results at the end of the show. right back. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat too, and has five grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? oops. [ female announcer ] as you get older protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... 50% of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good e. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein. ensure. nutrition in charge!
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welcome back, everyone. pretty shocking comments by andrew cuomo, saying prolifers among other conservatives, are not welcome in his state. the democratic governor making the comments on a radio show on friday. >> who are they? are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? is that who they are? because if that's who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of new york.
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because that's not who new yorkers are. >> well, republican businessman carl pallodino, who lost to cuomo back in 2010, telling the buffalo news, quote, i think it's andrew cuomo illustrating what kind of person he is. he doesn't want any debate. he's narcissistic. he doesn't believe in opposition. joining us now is our political panel. julie, why would governor cuomo say this? i mean, he has aspirations potentially for bigger office than governor of new york. this is very damning. how does he know who's in his state? >> it is intolerant. it's unacceptablunacceptable. in fact, it gives lie to exactly the kind of people i guess he thinks they're intolerant and therefore they shouldn't be here. he's showing how intolerant he is by saying they shouldn't be here. i agree with him on all the issues, of course, but i'm anti ever saying that people who
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disagree with me on those issues have no place in my state. i'm a new yorker. we welcome everybody. it is the melting pot. it is the microcosm of america. there's no room for anybody leading the state of new york who doesn't think the same as him have no place here. it's wrong and reprehensible he saidjulie's agreeing with you today. >> unfortunately, this is the common operating model for progressives. this wiis what you have with governor cuomo. he's looking at this presidency. after the newtown massacre, which was a horrible tragedy, the new york safe act was pushed through in the dead of night with a seven-clip magazine. the policy doesn't matter to him. that's my point. it doesn't matter what the statement is because he paints his opponents as someone to run away from. and we've seen democrats -- but here's what they do. they paint you as someone to run
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away from them. then they say, well, i really meant this about the people running for office. it's disingenuous. >> i'm sorry, david, but -- >> he did say his comments were not aimed at the public at large but on candidates running for office. now s that a cover based on what he had said? >> even if i take him at his word, candidates have every right to believe what they want. >> but that's not what he's pushing. he didn't say, this doesn't reflect all new yorkers, let me speak about the candidates. he came out and first said, let me spread this. >> he said there's no place for those people in my state. >> right. listen to his words and his tone. >> and regardless of whether it was about candidates or it's about people like david who obviously disagree with governor cuomo -- >> oh, so i -- people like david. >> people like david -- >> there's the example. >> no, excuse me. you are pro-second amendment, pro-life, and you're
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anti-marriage equality. i'm saying people who disagree with governor cuomo on those issues -- >> so am i an extremist then? >> i'm agreeing with you. i'm saying there's a group of you in new york. you got to know when to agree with people. >> but the governor doesn't believe you belong in this state. >> they agree when their feet are caught in their mouth. >> newly released documents show the nsa's phone program providing 1,000 tips a year to the fbi. does this show the nsa program is actually helping keep us safe? david? >> look, whether it's 1,000 or 5,000, it's not the quantity or the numbers that matter. it's the quality of the information provided. the real thoughtful discussion that needs to happen when it comes to the nsa is, one, privacy protections under the constitution. number two, who collects this metadata and the retention of that data. i don't have the number. no one has the number. that needs to be the discussion at the congressional level because those are our representatives. >> and did the president help to alleviate any of the concerns of
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people like david who may have concerns? or did he just muddle the waters? now a lot of people are scratching their heads, including people on the sunday talk shows yesterday, politicians. does it help us with terrorism? >> look, i think what he said is we go to the fisa court, get a sign-off before our calls can be audited. i'm all for it. the reality is, it's not going to move the needle much on this. i don't have a problem with collecting data. what i have a problem with is collecting it on the say so of the government without any kind of judicial review. and hopefully he'll do something to address that, but right now what i saw was a lot of words that probably will continue much of the status quo without really changing the rules on this. >> all right. i got to go, guys. very interesting debate today. julie, david, thanks so much. breaking news in the target security breach story. investigators making a huge arrest. but is this the end of all of our troubles? we will have a full report straight ahead. plus, some alarming new stats about the sexual activity of senior citizens.
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we've got a sex therapist here who says our seniors need sex education. why? you'll find out right after the break. there she is. if you wear a denture, take this simple test. press your tongue against it, like this. it moves! do you feel it? it can happen with every denture. these movements mairritate your gums. but you don't have to bear with it.
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raising a lot of eyebrows on sex in america's retirement homes. and not just sex but unsafe sex. the feds finding that seniors are not only doing it but getting sexually transmitted diseases at rates similar to 20 to 24-year-olds. in 2012 alone, 2.2 million medicare beneficiaries getting free std screenings. you've seen a lot of discussion about this. great to see you. >> it's great to be here. and, you know, i have a practice in sarasota, florida, and also here in new york city. in my florida practice, i see so many people in their 70s and 80s and 90s who are very sexually active, gretchen. in fact, sometimes more sexually active than people in their 30s and 40s. and the issue of safe sex and condoms, it rarely, if ever, comes up at all. >> why? >> they don't think about it. they absolutely don't think about it. i think they're very busy enjoying their newfound
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closeness and sexuality as they're living in their communities and enjoying a sexual experience that most of them never dreamed that they were going to have. >> all right. so that's the good news part of it. but the bad news are the stats that i said in the lead-in to you, which is std rates at the age of the same as 20 to 24-year-olds. so what do we do about it? with our young people, we're trying to educate them. >> we need to do a much better job with education. you know, for example, the commercials that we see on television about viagr and cialis, there should be some mention continually if you're using those, also if you're not in a committed, exclusive relationship, then you need to be thinking about using, and not just thinking about, but using condoms. >> such an interesting point. when i hear those commercials, and i usually try to turn them down, but i'm thinking, you hear so many things they are saying
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at the back end of those commercials. why wouldn't they say that? i want to bring your attention to this article i talked about. people are living longer, right. these retirement homes are becoming like college campuses according to this article. and as you point out, the increased use of viagra and the fact that they just simply don't want to use condoms. >> well, i think that, again, we have to do a much better job of educating people about the consequences, the physical health risk consequences can of not using condoms. i think it's a great idea that medicare should be sending out at least leaflets or information if not free condoms to alert the people about the reality of the fact that whether you're 70 or 80 or 90 or 20 that you can and the probability of getting sexually transmitted diseases is there whether you're 90 or 30. >> very interesting discussion. one that you're familiar with. we're so glad that you could come in and break it down for us. thanks so much.
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>> thank you so much, gretchen. nsa leaker edward snowden may have been getting a lot of help from overseas. we'll tell you what lawmakers are learning now. and amazon might be shipping an order to you -- now get this. we know they're quick, right? but they might ship it to to you now before you even buy it. wait until you hear about the tech company's latest experiment. our biz panel is here, so stay with us. they'll tackle that right when we come back. oh!
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progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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welcome back, everyone. a strong earthquake hitting the capital of new zealand. it caused a giant eagle statue to fall from the airport. so far, no word of major damage or injuries. nap time is over for the rosetta satellite. scientists rebooting it after 2 1/2 years of deep space slumber to start its mission to orbit a comet. and defense lawyers for amanda knox and her former italian boyfriend delivering their final rebuttals today. in the defendant's third trial for the 2007 murder of knox's british roommate, a verdict could come by the end of the month. we are learning nsa leaker edward snowden may have not been acting alone, reportedly having unusual contact in hong kong, possibly helping him even travel to russia. this as some lawmakers are pushing legislation next week to
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rein in the nsa. >> based on comments over the weekend, the president's reforms fell short, and next week he will be calling the top law enforcement officer, eric holder, the attorney general, to testify. >> we are going to ask him a lot of questions because a lot of it was between what he and the head of national intelligence have to work out. this is going to mean a lot of questions from both republicans and democrats who are concerned that we're going too much into the privacy of americans. >> by appealing to all of the sides in the nsa debate, the president may have created some political jeopardy for himself. the push to rein in the nsa is one of the few areas where there's common ground. >> interesting. now, what about these claims that edward snowden had help? what do you know? >> a source familiar with the snowden case tells fox news that investigators do not believe the
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nsa leaker stayed at the mira hotel in hong kong as he traveled from hawaii to hong kong last year, but at the residence of a nonchinese national who the intelligence community suspects helped facilitate his travel to moscow. the new allegations about the unusual contacts in hong kong comes as the leadership of the house and senate intelligence committees claim the nsa leaker did not act alone. that claim was first made to fox news by congressman mike rodgers in an interview published december 2nd. now senator feinstein has weighed in on the likelihood snowden had the help. here she is from the sunday talk shows. >> he may well have. we don't know at this stage. but i think to glorify this act is really to set sort of a new level of dishonor. >> he was stealing information that had to do with how we operate overseas to collect information to keep americans safe. that begs a question. and some of the things that he did were beyond his technical
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capabilities. >> there's been no immediate response from glen greenwald as to whether snowden stayed with a non-chinese national in hong kong. we're told it's believed to be a russian national who helped fa ti -- facilitate his travel. when we first reported these allegations, greenwald was very responsive. nothing this time around. >> very interesting. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. well, amazon wants to ship your package to you before you even click the buy button. but how? the online retailer trying to pre-empt your shopping after gaining now a patent on what it calls anticipatory shopping. tracking your buying trends so in the future it can deliver your packages before you order them. so what does this mean for the future of shopping? joining me now is our biz panel. all right. so try and tackle this for us. for people at home, including
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me, how do they know what i want to buy, number one, and what if i decide in the end i don't want to buy that? >> so it's called predictive. one part of the algorithm is predictive analysis. they know what you're going to be buying. they already know your buying behavior. for instance, you were telling me before that you order spaghetti. >> not for me. for my kids. >> you have it three times a day. so if they already know you've ordered it six times over the past nine weeks already, they're going to get the product staged. they're going to get it geographically near you. the moment you're about to purchase it, they're going to estimate it and ship it to you. >> what difference does that make, really? i'm an amazon prime member. pretty much i get my stuff in one or two days anyway. what about the cost? so what if i decide suddenly i like spaghetti-os with franks now? >> everyone wants things instantly. if you want them within 24 hours, you need to have them
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right away if it ran out. i don't think it's a good idea business-wise. you're going to have all these products sitting throughout the country, ready to deliver, and what if you don't order it? >> amazon doesn't want you to go to brick and mortar stores online. >> that's obvious. we saw them a couple weeks ago introducing possibly drones to be delivering your stuff. what do you make of it? >> i think we're coming into a reality where our smart appliances in our homes, our smart refrigerator says you need milk, and that machine will tell the amazon machine to bring milk to your door. then you're the mere human in the midst of all these machines signing for something that was delivered to you. i think we're moving into this reality where it's machine talking to machine and bypassing humans. >> i almost want to do a test with them and throw them off now. start buying a bunch of other kinds of stuff. >> we were talking about this. my search history on amazon is crazy. it's usually discontinued items or things i can't buy from
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ribbon to makeup. strange stuff. >> so i don't know if you are football fans. i'm a huge fan. i was watching the games yesterday. more than football teams winning and losing in yesterday's nfl championship playoff games. omaha, nebraska, donating big time to peyton manning's charity because of his signal calls. omaha. and pleated pants. well, they ended up on the loser list, thanks to 49ers coach jim harbaugh. sorry, coach. all right. so what about this omaha call? do you think it was a great idea to give recognition so now suddenly people want to buy products that are from omaha because peyton manning said it a gazillion times? >> every time he opens his mouth now it's $150,000. why not? the city of oklahoma really benefitted from it. his charity benefitted from it. now i think we're looking at a new paradigm in sports also where, you know, we thought it just comes from clothing and endorsements. now he opens up his mouth and it becomes a cash machine. >> i don't understand how omaha benefits it. are you going to change your
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vacation? peyton said omaha. we're going to omaha. >> think about the companies based there. maybe you start thinking about those. >> are you going to start getting omaha steaks because you heard peyton manning yell it 24 times? >> have you ever heard of sports endorsements? >> brand awareness. >> i can actually see people going to omaha as a result of it. the hbo series "girls" takes place in a suburb in brooklyn. real estate there is through the roof now because of this show. >> very interesting. and oklahoma is a beautiful place, by the way. and it's in the midwest. panel, thanks so much. have a great day. let's check in with shepherd smith. have you ever been to omaha? >> i haven't been to omaha. i've been listening to eli say omaha, omaha, omaha for years and years. now peyton says it. and it is something. >> well, and it's before their audible, right? >> i like their stakes. >> i do too. send them my way. what's coming up? >> the latest images from the mars rover have scientists stumped. they show something so strange
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it has folks at mission control arguing and fighting over what it mean. talking about some sort of space rock that seemed to show up out of nowhere. it's over here. here's the space thing. it's right here. that's it. you see it. over here is a before picture. that's an after picture. see it there before and not after. scientists say it's kind of shaped like a jelly donut. the part that nasa says is most exciting is what's inside the thing. yeah, inside it. that's coming up. top of the hour here. >> we'll look forward to it. thank you. so are you getting your velveeta recipes ready for the super bowl? today a recall you need to hear about if you love that addicting cheese. and we want to hear from you today on this hot topic. president obama says pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. do you think smoking weed should be legal or not? go to my facebook page, vote in my poll and rial read the results at the end of the
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show. right back. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks.
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fox news alert for you now on rising tensions in the ukraine. these are live pictures right now. check it out. kiev, where anti-government protesters are battling police once again. they've been calling for the removal of the country's president for several weeks now. the protests escalating after the imposition of a strict anti-protest law. well, the u.s. calling that legislation undemocratic. for now, the united states deciding to not get involved. stay tuned. in the meantime, here's what america is clicking on today. can you believe it's almost tax season? the irs letting most taxpayers start filing early, though it's free file on the website. well, velveeta recalling its
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cheesy skillets singles. what's that? because of allergens not declared on the label. no other products in that recall. and the jamaican bobsled team qualified for the winter olympics in sochi, but they don't have a way to get there. the team now raising money through paypal. they need to raise $80,000. president obama taking some heat after a controversial comment that he made comparing marijuana and alcohol. here's what he told "the new yorker." quote, i smoked pot as a kid, and i view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes i smoked as a young person. i don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol, end quote. we're here to debate pot smoking. all right, ladies. great to see you both. >> hi, gretchen. lovely to be here. >> all right. so crystal, let me start with
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you. based on the president's comments, there's a couple things to try and figure out. first of all, he said cigarette smoking and pot smoking were similar. then he also said that pot smoking, he felt, was less dangerous than alcohol. do you agree? >> well, thanks for having me here today. i do know that there's never been a marijuana overdose. and there is a high level in this country, especially among teenagers of alcohol poisoning. so i would say more studies certainly need to be done, but i think the argument can be made that marijuana is certainly not less safe than alcohol. i do think lung damage for marijuana is comparable, perhaps, to tobacco, which is, in fact, a legal drug like alcohol. >> phoebe, where do you fall on that? >> you know, crystal and i debate this privately all the time. we're great friends in real life, but on this issue, we happen to disagree. one of the reasons i love her is she doesn't judge me for it. i feel very strongly that, you know, why expose our young
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people to a substance that has been known to impair their cognitive development, their iq, their ability to perform cognitive also has been linked to the development of psych yatic disorders like schizophrenia. >> it was interesting to hear the president say these comments because he has two daughters approaching that age where they might be trying, you know, stuff like this. so it was interesting to hear his commentary. but crystal, take it from me from a political point of view, with the legalization now in states and other states considering it, is this going to be a huge debate topic as we move towards the midterms amongst politicians? are we going to see politicians going to these weed stores like if colorado to show that they believe in it? >> well, that's a great question, i think, gretchen. as the mother of four and three of whom are teenagers, i would say a lot of parents are going to be paying attention to this issue. you know, i think the argument in favor of legalization for politicians would certainly be
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it keeps access out of the hands of our kids if we have age restrictions around it. will politicians be talking about it? i really hope so, but i'm not sure it clearly falls along republican or democratic lines, to be honest. i think it's really about restriction of access and personal freedom after a certain age. >> do you think it falls along political lines? >> you know, the country does seem to be pretty evenly divided, but i'm not sure it's along party lines. i suspect obama is trying to go after the baby boomer vote, especially in states like colorado that are apparently raring to go with that legalization. i'm not so sure it's really a single-issue vote for many voters. i tend to think it comes down to the economy. >> all right. very interesting debate. glad to know you're friends and tolerant of each other's differing opinions. wow. what a concept. all right. thanks, ladies. >> thank you. breaking news as arrests have been made on the mexican border that could be related to that massive target store data breach. a live report coming up next.
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and that retailer just can't get out of the news. a skateboarding thief hitting this target store. this is in florida. we'll show you exactly what happened. plus, a texas parents' unusual punishment, a very public shaming punishment. is that right, or is that wrong? p minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. including carbsteady ultra to help minimize blood sugar spikes. it's the best from glucerna. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. advancing nutrition for diabetes.
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we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is.
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texas sixth grader in trouble for swearing at his teacher. okay. he is being forced to learn the lesson the hard way. the boy's mom and her roommate sent him to a houston sidewalk to stand and hold a sign reading: i was spined from school for cussing out my teacher. the two were inspired by a judge who doled out similar punishment to thieves. >> new developments in the massive holiday data hack of target customeres. stilling millions of debit can and credit card information. two suspects caught at the texas
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border carrying fraudulent credit card and personal information that could be linked to the target security breach. trace gallagher has the latest. >> we found out there's a 27-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman arrested down at the border, from monterrey mexico, arrested trying to go from mexico into texas, and as you said they were carrying a stash of fraudulent credit cards believed linked to that target breach. it's unclear where they got the credit cards. likely from the black market. authorities do not believe these two were involved in the actual hackers of target but the investigation into the massive breach shows that target was apparently very easy pickings for the hackers. experts say in early november the cyberthieves found a way into and past target's servers and then right to the crown jewels, the terminals where customers swipe their cards and place their personal identification numbers in there. so while the shops and target were flooded over the holidays,
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the hackers just sat there, picking their information off by the millions. >> wow. so, do we have any estimate so far of the damages? >> we're getting them. we know that 70 million at least -- at least -- were breached in some capacity. phone numbers, credit card numbers, pin numbers and security numbers. look at these numbers. now they believe that $18 billion is the damage number to the banks and the retailers, and $4 billion in uncovered costs that it could cost the consumers right there, and here's the big thing. the credit card data is not yet all been dumped on the black market so the bottom line is, we could have victims of this scam go on for months and months and even years because they hold back a lot of that credit card information, and then dump it in kind of fits on the black market. so, if you visited target, again, during the ohio, make sure you keep checking your
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statements and receipts. >> got to do that. think of all that loss, and you think if they only invested in the new systems, the new swipe card that are digital like the rest of the world, this wouldn't happen. it's a cost benefit thing. thank you so much. as if that massive data hack wasn't enough. one target store hit with a breach of a different sort. check out the video. a man entering the super target in florida, just before closing, skateboarding through the store. really? snapping a 32-inch tv and making a quick gaitaway. police are on the lookout for a white mail, 20s, 5'11", other occupieds, the getaway vehicle brown with orange yellow wheels. so he actually had a car when he came out on his skateboard. >> can someone in the studio crew possibly be expecting a special delivery? ooh, details coming up next.
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>> lots of opinions on the facebook question of the day: should marijuana be legal? the president says it's no more harmful than alcohol. rob posting, would he let his daughter spoke pot? adam: legalize it. prohibitions don't work. and carolyn, foot and booze are destructive to personal lives, health, and taxpayer. our poll results are split. 49% say, yes, more should be legalized, and 4% of you say, i don't know, maybe. an exciting announcement for us here. liz west, our stage manager, is having a baby and we got to celebrate on friday with a big baby shower. check out this month's woman's magazine, a community that shares hope and
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encouragement through faith. you can pick up a copy on news stands at family christian book stores or barnes & noble or clerk it out online. thank you for being part of the "the real story." shepard smith is now live from the fox news deck. >> workers trapped and hurt after a blast and building collapse at a factory in america's heartland. we'll take you there as rescuers race to save people. >> the new terrorist threats against the olympics. are america's athletes in any taper. >> let's get too it. >> good monday afternoon. happy mlk day. first, u.s. lawmakers are warning the winter olympics in sochi, russia, may not be safe for athletes and spectators. the games are now less than three weeks away, and now authorities in russia say they're studying a video that an islamic militant group posted online yesterday. it


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